The Vincent Chin Institute
Building solidarity against hate through education, organizing and narrative change

In these challenging times, VCI offers some positive updates as well as sobering thoughts on the outlook ahead.
First Executive Director Job Announcement
Important Updates
Media Advisory: VCI Releases Tools to Support Communities in Crisis
FBI Releases 602 Pages of its Vincent Chin Files— I Was There

Featured Tools
The Vincent Chin Legacy Guide
Crisis Funding & Emergency Donations FAQ
Crisis Communications FAQ: Dealing with the News Media
More Tools Under Construction
Video: VCI joins AAPI Hoosiers to fight hate
On January 11, 2023 at Indiana University, a first-year Asian American student on a bus to campus was stabbed on the head seven times by a white woman who shouted about “the enemy” and other slurs.
Follow VCI and Helen Zia to Bloomington, IN In this short video, as they support AAPIs at the IU Asian Cultural Center and the launch event of Hoosier Asian American Power (HAAP) . Produced by Direct Relief, a VCI funder, the video highlights local community empowerment to address the multiple impacts of racism, extremism and violence on mental health and everyday life, especially outside of major AAPI centers.
AAPI Hoosiers and VCI’s Zia share stories about anti-Asian hate and the lessons from organizing to build networks and solidarity for civil rights.
Changing Perspectives
I would say it's not an accident that we don't get to learn about many facts that we should know, like this Vincent Chin case. It feels to me like it's another way to divide and conquer different minority groups.
Student, 1991
In a deeper way than just identifying with Vincent Chin, suddenly I have a whole new way of understanding what it means to be Asian American.
Student, 2001
The activism around Vincent Chin’s attack both supported and countered the numerous assumptions of and about Asian Americans. His death became an issue my parents and their generation gathered around. For the first time in my life, I was watching people I knew take charge of a rising movement. It was a revolution.
Student, 2016
Join us as we come together to embrace our shared history and build the future as communities united, to strengthen our fragile democracy and honor the legacy of Vincent Chin.
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